Moving Up the FWEA/FWPS Salary Schedule through Horizontal Movement by Submitting Clock hours
The process
Many certificated members are surprised to find out that they have been sitting on additional income that we have already bargained and you may have already earned through conferences, PD and 4+1 days. Article 14 of our collectively bargained agreement outlines the process for Horizontal Movement on the salary schedule.
Why are members surprised? Because clock hours or credits have accumulated and they haven't submitted them to move up the salary scale. Some members report earning hundreds of dollars more per month by finally submitting clock hours that they have had for years! Fellow FWEA members are here to help guide you through the process.
Deadlines (**These are new dates for 2022-24**)
Hours/credits must be earned by September 1.
Hours/credits must be submitted by December 1, reflected in the December 31 paycheck.
Why are members surprised? Because clock hours or credits have accumulated and they haven't submitted them to move up the salary scale. Some members report earning hundreds of dollars more per month by finally submitting clock hours that they have had for years! Fellow FWEA members are here to help guide you through the process.
Deadlines (**These are new dates for 2022-24**)
Hours/credits must be earned by September 1.
Hours/credits must be submitted by December 1, reflected in the December 31 paycheck.
As a reminder, per our collective bargaining agreement, the deadline for submitting credits and clock hours for movement on the salary schedule is December 1 (new for the 22-23 school year!).
Clock Hour
The only way to know how many credits you have, and if you're ready to move up the salary scale, is by tracking them. Here's an easy form created by FWEA member Jayne Wohn! You can submit clock hours every year; you don't have to wait until you have enough to move up the salary schedule, but the tracker form can help you understand how close you are to moving up.
How to view/print your FWPS clock hour transcript Please contact Cheryl Jones to print the official clock hour transcript of FWPS clock hours to be given to Human Resources for advancement. She will email you when you can come pick it up at ESC, so you can take it to hand deliver to HR. Other clock hours (WEA, college, OSPI, conferences, etc.) go directly to HR to submit for salary schedule advancement. Hand delivery is encouraged and we recommend you take a photo when you drop it off. |
College Transcript Reminder
If you are submitting college transcripts, it's recommended those are done online. They should be sent electronically directly from the institution to the district at [email protected]. This usually costs less, are faster, and you're assured of safe delivery. |
Here's who to contact, and who to submit your college transcripts etc.:
FWPS Compensation Specialists: [email protected]
Transcripts can be sent directly from colleges/institutions to [email protected]
FWPS Clock Hour Specialist: Cheryl Jones [email protected] (who is a fellow FWEA member!)
General Questions: FWEA Office 253-838-8571 or [email protected]
FWPS Compensation Specialists: [email protected]
Transcripts can be sent directly from colleges/institutions to [email protected]
FWPS Clock Hour Specialist: Cheryl Jones [email protected] (who is a fellow FWEA member!)
General Questions: FWEA Office 253-838-8571 or [email protected]
Educator Retooling Conditional Scholarship Program
The Educator Retooling Conditional Scholarship Program provides financial support to Washington State certified teachers who seek to expand their knowledge and skills by adding endorsements in subject or geographic shortage areas.
This program is administered jointly by the Professional Educator Standards Board (responsible for selecting recipients) and the Washington Student Achievement Council (responsible for distributing awards). Funding for this program is dependent upon annual budget appropriations from the Washington State legislature. The state laws establishing this program include the RCWs on Retooling (28A.660.045) and Conditional Scholarship Programs (28A.660.050). Educators need to obtain administrative support and submit complete application materials to be considered for an award.
The Educator Retooling Conditional Scholarship Program provides financial support to Washington State certified teachers who seek to expand their knowledge and skills by adding endorsements in subject or geographic shortage areas.
This program is administered jointly by the Professional Educator Standards Board (responsible for selecting recipients) and the Washington Student Achievement Council (responsible for distributing awards). Funding for this program is dependent upon annual budget appropriations from the Washington State legislature. The state laws establishing this program include the RCWs on Retooling (28A.660.045) and Conditional Scholarship Programs (28A.660.050). Educators need to obtain administrative support and submit complete application materials to be considered for an award.