When you walk into one of our buildings, you are most likely meeting one of our wonderful ESPs!
We are Secretaries, Receptionists, Mailroom Assistants, Office Assistants, Mailroom & Order Processing Clerks, Secretary Generalists, Library Assistants, Receptionists, Attendance and Data Secretaries, Clock Hour Program Manager, Student Support and Teaching for Learning, Employment Specialists, HR Assistants, Substitute Specialist, Registrars, Office Managers and more!
We are Secretaries, Receptionists, Mailroom Assistants, Office Assistants, Mailroom & Order Processing Clerks, Secretary Generalists, Library Assistants, Receptionists, Attendance and Data Secretaries, Clock Hour Program Manager, Student Support and Teaching for Learning, Employment Specialists, HR Assistants, Substitute Specialist, Registrars, Office Managers and more!
Advice from Fellow ESPs:
"Reach out to your counterparts at other schools! We're happy to help. You are not alone!" "Do you know about our ESP Mentor Program? See pages 22-26 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for more information. It's a great resource!" "There are multiple ways to organize and do our jobs to best suit our students' and schools needs. Make it your own! You're the expert of your community." "We all make mistakes. Believe in yourself!" "Ask questions, questions, questions!" "Attend your ESP PLC! Our Professional Learning Community is the time to exchange best practices with our colleagues. It's an extremely valuable time!" ESP Professional Development
Looking for professional development geared just for Education Support Professionals? Take a look at the many course offerings newly released from your WEA ESP's Professional Development team. All classes will be held virtually and courses and clock hours are free. |
Key Information:
FWEA ESP Jeopardy! Jeopardy Template ESP Learning Network Webinars - NEA ESP Break & Lunch Rotation Schedule Clarification of Roles during Early Release Memo ESP PD Committee PowerPoint ESP Professional Development NEA ESP Resources and Tools ESP Reclassification Request Reclassification Request Instructions |
ESP Members!
We encourage you to be a voice in your school community by sending at least one of the ESPs in your building to every staff meeting in accordance with the contract, Section 4.7, "Further, ESP members shall be afforded opportunities to participate in site-based decision making (SBDM)."
ESPs also have Professional Development hours. By continuing your professional development, you are paid for those hours! This is outlined in the collectively bargained agreement.
We encourage you to be a voice in your school community by sending at least one of the ESPs in your building to every staff meeting in accordance with the contract, Section 4.7, "Further, ESP members shall be afforded opportunities to participate in site-based decision making (SBDM)."
ESPs also have Professional Development hours. By continuing your professional development, you are paid for those hours! This is outlined in the collectively bargained agreement.